Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
<<if $Step1Visited == null>>\
<<set $Step1Visited = true>>\
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array to ["paintFloor(horizontalLine);"]>>
<<set _show to { start: 0, end: 3 }>>\
“Hi again! We’re so close to fixing the Gym! The last thing we need to do is fix the lines on the ground so we can play sportsball!”\
<div class='hide' id='next0'>“...What...? Haven’t you played sportsball? Listen, we have more important things to worry about than what a “sports” is and why it has a side that is off! THE GYM NEEDS US!”</div>\
<div class='hide' id='next1'>“First things first though. Remember how yesterday we had to put a word in ‘()’? What are those called? Right right, parameters! Big brain.”</div>\
<div class='hide' id='next2'>“We're going to have to use those today to fix the lines for the court. For example, if you want to paint a horizontal line, you have to write <span class='command'>paintFloor(horizontalLine);</span>. Try it.”
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
<label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 1 - 6 Evaluation][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
“First things first though. Remember how yesterday we had to put a word in ‘()’? What are those called? Right right, parameters! Big brain.”
“We're going to have to use those today to fix the lines for the court. For example, if you want to paint a horizontal line, you have to write <span class='command'>paintFloor(horizontalLine);</span>. Try it.”
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 1 - 6 Evaluation][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
<</if>>\<<set $name = null>>
<<set $commandString = null>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array to []>>
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array to ["Enlightenment"]>><<set _gotIt = true>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $stepsTaken_Array.length; _i ++>>\
<<set _gotIt = $stepsTaken_Array[_i] == $stepsNeeded_Array[_i]>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
Looks like you had an error somewhere. Try it again.
[[Go back.|Steps 1 - 6][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
You paint a horizontal line on the screen.
[[Done. Now what?|Steps 7 - 8]]
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = []>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array = []>>
<</if>>\<<if $Step7Visited == null>>\
<<set $Step7Visited = true>>\
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = ["paintFloor(verticalLine);"]>>\
<<set _show to { start: 0, end: 1 }>>\
“Not too shabby. Very horizontal. Great use of the parameter there. For a vertical line, type <span class='command'>paintFloor(verticalLine);</span>”
<div class='hide' id='next0'>
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
<label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 7 - 8 Evaluation][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
“Not too shabby. Very horizontal. Great use of the parameter there. For a vertical line, type <span class='command'>paintFloor(verticalLine);</span>”
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 7 - 8 Evaluation][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
<</if>>\<<set _gotIt = true>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $stepsTaken_Array.length; _i ++>>\
<<set _gotIt = $stepsTaken_Array[_i] == $stepsNeeded_Array[_i]>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
Looks like you had an error somewhere. Try it again.
[[Go back.|Steps 7 - 8][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
You paint a vertical line on the screen.
[[Done. Now what?|Steps 9 - 10]]
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = []>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array = []>>
<</if>>\<<if $Step9Visited == null>>\
<<set $Step9Visited = true>>\
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = ["paintFloor(semiCircle);"]>>\
<<set _show to { start: 0, end: 1 }>>\
“Now, for what I can only assume is the “endzone”, you’ll have to type <span class='command'>paintFloor(semiCircle);</span> .”
<div class='hide' id='next0'>
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
<label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 9 - 10 Evaluation][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
“Now, for what I can only assume is the “endzone”, you’ll have to type <span class='command'>paintFloor(semiCircle);</span> .”
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 9 - 10 Evaluation][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
<</if>>\<<set _gotIt = true>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $stepsTaken_Array.length; _i ++>>\
<<set _gotIt = $stepsTaken_Array[_i] == $stepsNeeded_Array[_i]>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
Looks like you had an error somewhere. Try it again.
[[Go back.|Steps 9 - 10][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
You paint a semi-circle on the screen.
[[Done. Now what?|Steps 11 - 12]]
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = []>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array = []>>
<</if>>\<<if $Step11Visited == null>>\
<<set $Step11Visited = true>>\
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = ["paintFloor(circle);"]>>\
<<set _show to { start: 0, end: 1 }>>\
“And finally, there seems to be some circle in the middle of the field. I don’t know what it’s for...Is that where the dunking happens? Anyway, type <span class='command'>paintFloor(circle);</span>”
<div class='hide' id='next0'>
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
<label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 11 - 12 Evaluation][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
“And finally, there seems to be some circle in the middle of the field. I don’t know what it’s for...Is that where the dunking happens? Anyway, type <span class='command'>paintFloor(circle);</span>”
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 11 - 12 Evaluation][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
<</if>>\<<set _gotIt = true>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $stepsTaken_Array.length; _i ++>>\
<<set _gotIt = $stepsTaken_Array[_i] == $stepsNeeded_Array[_i]>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
Looks like you had an error somewhere. Try it again.
[[Go back.|Steps 11 - 12][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
You paint a semi-circle on the screen.
[[Done. Now what?|Steps 13 - 16]]
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = []>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array = []>>
<</if>>\<<if $step13Visited == null>>\
<<set $step13Visited = true>>\
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array to ["moveRight();", "moveRight();", "moveRight();", "moveDown();", "moveRight();", "moveRight();", "moveRight();", "pickUp(paint);"]>>\
<<set _show to { start: 0, end: 1}>>\
“I hope you can do this. Whenever I started painting I got tired...That's why this never got done... Let's move over to the gym as usual.“
<div class='hide' id='next0'>“Okay let's get to work. Why don't you pick up the paint first? Think you can figure out what the parameter is in pickUp(?); ?”
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 13 - 16][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 13 - 16][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
“Okay let's get to work. Why don't you pick up the paint first? Think you can figure out what the parameter is in pickUp(); ?”
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 13 - 16][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 13 - 16][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength >= $stepsNeeded_Array.length>>\
[[Check solution.|Steps 13 - 16 Evaluation]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 13 - 16][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength > 0>>\
Current commands:
<<for _i to 0; _i < _commandLength; _i ++>>\
<<if $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != "" && $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != " ">>\
<<print $stepsTaken_Array[_i]>>
Blank Command
<<set _gotIt = true>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $stepsTaken_Array.length; _i ++>>\
<<set _gotIt = $stepsTaken_Array[_i] == $stepsNeeded_Array[_i]>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
Looks like you had an error somewhere. Try it again.
[[Go back.|Steps 13 - 16][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
You move over to the paint bucket and pick it up.
[[Right. Let's get scratchin'--er, painting.|Steps 17 - 18]]
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = []>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array = []>>
<</if>>\<<if $step17Visited == null>>\
<<set $step17Visited = true>>\
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array to ["moveDown();", "moveDown();", "moveRight();", "moveRight();", "moveRight();", "paintFloor(verticalLine);"]>>\
“Perfect. And look at this Algorithm - the list of steps that you just coded! I think you're ready for more. Move to the center-right of the court and paint a nice big vertical line there.”
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 17 - 18][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 17 - 18][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
“Perfect. And look at this Algorithm - the list of steps that you just coded! I think you're ready for more. Move to the center-right of the court and paint a nice big vertical line there.”
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 17 - 18][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 17 - 18][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength >= $stepsNeeded_Array.length>>\
[[Check solution.|Steps 17 - 18 Evaluation]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 17 - 18][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength > 0>>\
Current commands:
<<for _i to 0; _i < _commandLength; _i ++>>\
<<if $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != "" && $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != " ">>\
<<print $stepsTaken_Array[_i]>>
Blank Command
<</if>><<set _gotIt = true>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $stepsTaken_Array.length; _i ++>>\
<<set _gotIt = $stepsTaken_Array[_i] == $stepsNeeded_Array[_i]>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
Looks like you had an error somewhere. Try it again.
[[Go back.|Steps 17 - 18][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
You take your time to paint a vertical line across the floor, getting a feel for how to use the brush.
[[Got it. Where to next?|Steps 19 - 20]]
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = []>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array = []>>
<</if>>\<<if $step19Visited == null>>\
<<set $step19Visited = true>>\
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array to ["moveLeft();", "moveLeft();", "moveLeft();", "moveLeft();", "paintFloor(semiCircle);"]>>\
“Careful now. We don't have any paint remover. Watch your Sequence - or the order of the steps that you put in your algorithm. Move towards the right semiCircle next and paint a new one.”
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 19 - 20][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 19 - 20][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
“Careful now. We don't have any paint remover. Watch your Sequence - or the order of the steps that you put in your algorithm. Move towards the right semiCircle next and paint a new one.”
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 19 - 20][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 19 - 20][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength >= $stepsNeeded_Array.length>>\
[[Check solution.|Steps 19 - 20 Evaluation]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 19 - 20][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength > 0>>\
Current commands:
<<for _i to 0; _i < _commandLength; _i ++>>\
<<if $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != "" && $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != " ">>\
<<print $stepsTaken_Array[_i]>>
Blank Command
<</if>><<set _gotIt = true>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $stepsTaken_Array.length; _i ++>>\
<<set _gotIt = $stepsTaken_Array[_i] == $stepsNeeded_Array[_i]>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
Looks like you had an error somewhere. Try it again.
[[Go back.|Steps 19 - 20][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
With a little more pep in your step, you paint out a perfect semi-circle at the designated spot, twirling the brush a bit as you finish.
[[Got it. Where to next?|Steps 21 - 22]]
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = []>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array = []>>
<</if>>\<<if $step21Visited == null>>\
<<set $step21Visited = true>>\
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array to ["moveLeft();", "moveLeft();", "moveLeft();", "moveLeft();", "moveLeft();", "paintFloor(circle);"]>>\
“You're getting the hang of algorithms. Head over to the center of the court now. What should we paint here do you think?”
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 21 - 22][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 21 - 22][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
“You're getting the hang of algorithms. Head over to the center of the court now. What should we paint here do you think?”
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 21 - 22][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 21 - 22][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength >= $stepsNeeded_Array.length>>\
[[Check solution.|Steps 21 - 22 Evaluation]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 21 - 22][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength > 0>>\
Current commands:
<<for _i to 0; _i < _commandLength; _i ++>>\
<<if $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != "" && $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != " ">>\
<<print $stepsTaken_Array[_i]>>
Blank Command
<</if>><<set _gotIt = true>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $stepsTaken_Array.length; _i ++>>\
<<set _gotIt = $stepsTaken_Array[_i] == $stepsNeeded_Array[_i]>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
Looks like you had an error somewhere. Try it again.
[[Go back.|Steps 21 - 22][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
You hum to yourself as you perfectly moonwalk to the designated spot, then paint the circle without a single mistake.
[[Got it. Where to next?|Steps 23 - 24]]
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = []>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array = []>>
<</if>>\<<if $step23Visited == null>>\
<<set $step23Visited = true>>\
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array to ["moveLeft();", "moveLeft();", "moveLeft();", "moveLeft();", "paintFloor(semiCircle);"]>>\
"Yup! That’s right. You know the drill for what’s next.”
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 23 - 24][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 23 - 24][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
"Yup! That’s right. You know the drill for what’s next.”
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 23 - 24][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 23 - 24][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength >= $stepsNeeded_Array.length>>\
[[Check solution.|Steps 23 - 24 Evaluation]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 23 - 24][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength > 0>>\
Current commands:
<<for _i to 0; _i < _commandLength; _i ++>>\
<<if $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != "" && $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != " ">>\
<<print $stepsTaken_Array[_i]>>
Blank Command
<</if>><<set _gotIt = true>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $stepsTaken_Array.length; _i ++>>\
<<set _gotIt = $stepsTaken_Array[_i] == $stepsNeeded_Array[_i]>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
Looks like you had an error somewhere. Try it again.
[[Go back.|Steps 23 - 24][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
You shimmy over to the next semiCircle and paint a new one, striking a cool pose when you're finished.
[[Easy. What's left?|Steps 25 - 26]]
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = []>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array = []>>
<</if>>\<<if $step25Visited == null>>\
<<set $step25Visited = true>>\
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array to ["moveLeft();", "moveLeft();", "moveLeft();", "moveLeft();", "moveUp();", "paintFloor(verticalLine);"]>>\
“Only a few more. Remember this one? Sequence is very important here so be sure to follow the dots.”
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 25 - 26][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 25 - 26][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
“Only a few more. Remember this one? Sequence is very important here so be sure to follow the dots.”
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 25 - 26][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 25 - 26][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength >= $stepsNeeded_Array.length>>\
[[Check solution.|Steps 25 - 26 Evaluation]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 25 - 26][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength > 0>>\
Current commands:
<<for _i to 0; _i < _commandLength; _i ++>>\
<<if $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != "" && $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != " ">>\
<<print $stepsTaken_Array[_i]>>
Blank Command
<</if>><<set _gotIt = true>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $stepsTaken_Array.length; _i ++>>\
<<set _gotIt = $stepsTaken_Array[_i] == $stepsNeeded_Array[_i]>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
Looks like you had an error somewhere. Try it again.
[[Go back.|Steps 25 - 26][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
The old line disappears as you cha-cha your way across the floor, painting a new line with a steady hand and impeccable skill.
[[Got a good rhythm going, eh? What's next?|Steps 27 - 28]]
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = []>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array = []>>
<</if>>\<<if $step27Visited == null>>\
<<set $step27Visited = true>>\
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array to ["moveRight();", "moveRight();", "moveRight();", "moveRight();", "moveRight();", "moveUp();", "moveUp();", "paintFloor(horizontalLine);"]>>\
“This is the last task! Finish this line up and I'll throw in a little bonus for ya.”
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 27 - 28][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 27 - 28][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
“This is the last task! Finish this line up and I’ll throw in a little bonus for ya.”
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 27 - 28][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 27 - 28][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength >= $stepsNeeded_Array.length>>\
[[Check solution.|Steps 27 - 28 Evaluation]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 27 - 28][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength > 0>>\
Current commands:
<<for _i to 0; _i < _commandLength; _i ++>>\
<<if $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != "" && $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != " ">>\
<<print $stepsTaken_Array[_i]>>
Blank Command
<</if>><<set _gotIt = true>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $stepsTaken_Array.length; _i ++>>\
<<set _gotIt = $stepsTaken_Array[_i] == $stepsNeeded_Array[_i]>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
Looks like you had an error somewhere. Try it again.
[[Go back.|Steps 27 - 28][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
With a speed you never could've imagined at the start, you move into place with some well-timed dance steps and put down a new line without a single wobble in your hand.
[[Bam. I'm so sick.|Steps 29 - 30]]
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = []>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array = []>>
<</if>>\<<if $step29Visited == null>>\
<<set $step29Visited = true>>\
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array to ["moveRight();", "moveRight();", "moveDown();", "moveDown();", "moveDown();"]>>\
“You did really well. Do me a favor and back up just a bit…”
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 29 - 30][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 29 - 30][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<set _commandLength = $stepsTaken_Array.length>>\
“You did really well. Do me a favor and back up just a bit…”
<<if _commandLength < $stepsNeeded_Array.length>><label>Enter a command. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|Steps 29 - 30][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 29 - 30][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength >= $stepsNeeded_Array.length>>\
[[Check solution.|Steps 29 - 30 Evaluation]]
[[Clear the commands.|Steps 29 - 30][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
<<if _commandLength > 0>>\
Current commands:
<<for _i to 0; _i < _commandLength; _i ++>>\
<<if $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != "" && $stepsTaken_Array[_i] != " ">>\
<<print $stepsTaken_Array[_i]>>
Blank Command
<</if>><<set _gotIt = true>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $stepsTaken_Array.length; _i ++>>\
<<set _gotIt = $stepsTaken_Array[_i] == $stepsNeeded_Array[_i]>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
Looks like you had an error somewhere. Try it again.
[[Go back.|Steps 29 - 30][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
You shrug and move to where the ghost asks you to stand.
[[I'm here. Now what?|Steps 31 - 35]]
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = []>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array = []>>
<</if>>\<<set _show to { start: 0, end: 3 }>>\
“Ta-da! ...What? If I could paint that on my own, why did I ask you to help? Don’t sweat the small stuff, let’s call it a day and head back!”
<div class='hide' id='next0'>“As usual, great work today. It’s really exciting to see this place starting to spring back to life. Sure wish I could do that.”
<div class='hide' id='next1'>“So you’ve been with us for a week now, what do you think so far? I couldn’t have done any of this without you. Ya know - not having a physical body and all that.”
<div class='hide' id='next2'>“Anyway I’ll let you go for now. Keep up the good work, and I’ll be looking forward to seeing what else you can help me out with next time. See ya!”
</div><label>Enter the password for today's class. <<textbox "_commandString" "">></label>
[[Enter command.|PasswordCheck][$stepsTaken_Array.push(_commandString)]]
<<if _gotIt == false>>\
Password was incorrect.
[[Go back.|Password Entry][$stepsTaken_Array = []]]
[[Click here to continue.|Steps 1 - 6]]
<<set $stepsNeeded_Array = []>>
<<set $stepsTaken_Array = []>>